Product price disclaimer
shopinroom.com contain different categories of products, which are imported from different website at specific date and time. shopinroom does not shows the products price for some privacy issue.
You could know the price details of a specific product when you redirect to the product details page from where it is actually imported.
The product price may changes from time to time. When you redirect to the website of the specific product, you can see the current price of the product. shopinroom is not responsible for changes of product price.
shopinroom.com contain different categories of products, which are imported from different website at specific date and time. shopinroom does not shows the products price for some privacy issue.
You could know the price details of a specific product when you redirect to the product details page from where it is actually imported.
The product price may changes from time to time. When you redirect to the website of the specific product, you can see the current price of the product. shopinroom is not responsible for changes of product price.
Product availability disclaimer
shopinroom.com imported the different categories products at different specific date and time. when it was imported it was available at that time, from where it was taken.
If you search any specif product in current date and time it may or may not be available when you redirected to the specific website. We are not responsible for the availability of the products shown in this website.
Product size and/or color disclaimer
Any product shown in this site may change the size and/or color, description of the product at any time when you redirect to another website from where it was imported. We could not assure the same size or same color product always available
Product image availability
The images of a particular product may be not visible and disappear at any time for any kind of mechanical changes of this site, but we will rigorous try to overcome these problems as possible.
The appearances of this site, its contents and images may be slightly changes on different PC or Laptop or Mobile phone, depending on the version of browser you are using. We always recommend to use latest version of browser for both mobile and PC.
Other issues
shopinroom.com is owned and operated by its owner, it may contains advertisements, affiliate link, sponsored contains, paid insertion, or any kind of monetization from any third party or other sites. We earn some compensation from these affiliate or sponsored links.
We are not selling any products or services or any brands of products to customers. We only promoting their products and services in our site.
Shopinroom makes no representations or warranties, or assurances as to the accuracy or completeness of the contents retain on this website or any sites linked to or from this site.
We are trying to provide best useful contents to our users, and these contents are not hurting anyone or not related to any people's personal life.
Any product or service related issue that the claim, statistic, quote or other representations about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.
We can change our policies and terms depending on the requirements basis, you could check it from the privacy policy and terms of conditions page.